who is vanhalla adventures™?


Welcome to our online home! If you are reading this post we’re guessing you may have found us over on our Youtube Channel all about our van life and our adventures as we make our way across the USA. (If not, be sure to check it out later by clicking here.)

Since we began van life about 10 months ago (we still can’t believe it’s almost been a year since it began!) our lives have changed dramatically. We had all these ideas about how we thought life would look when we got in our van but soon realized that living on the road was a lot different than expected despite both of us having traveled full-time previously.

The one thing that did stick was our desire to document our journey and create a community of other wild souls that rebel against the ‘normalcy’ of living in one place all year round and want to live a passion-filled adventurous life. Our aim is to inspire and support while carrying out our dreams of living as free and as close to nature as possible as we hop around the US (and eventually around the world).

There’s still a lot we don’t share over on Youtube because our videos would be WAY too long for anyone’s attention span and sometimes it’s nice to use the written word.

That is why we are starting this blog; to connect with YOU through another avenue and share resources that can help you get on the road, build out the van of your dreams, find ways to improve your health while traveling full-time, and access van life tips that will make your life a little bit easier.

But before we do that, we thought you might like to know a little bit more about each of us and why we are so passionate about this lifestyle.


I’m Brian…

Before starting this whole van life thing and Youtube channel I was working as a sound engineer, tour & production manager in the music industry. For the past 20 years, I’ve traveled all over the world - from Russia To Norway to Australia and back again. While I love having a home base traveling is something I never want to stop doing and it has been such a part of my life for so long I don’t know how to stay in one place for too long anyway! Thankfully my partner in adventure, Crystal, feels the same way which is why we built out our van Beatrice, The White Whale.

COVID hit while we were building out Beatrice so Crystal suggested we create a job for me and here we are. I’m the chief (or shall I say ONLY lol) video editor behind vanhalla adventures and the main driver.

I love chatting with all of our community online and helping out people as much as possible so drop me a line anytime if you have questions about what we are up to, our van, or anything else.


I’m Crystal…

I’ve always been a dreamer and a travel enthusiast but for over 20 years I struggled with my health. I wanted to be an explorer and dreamed of immersing myself in different cultures around the world but it seemed like my body would never let me; I was constantly in fear that my pain would flare and things would get worse. When I was at rock bottom I promised myself that one day I would be able to go anywhere I wanted and travel full-time with nothing holding me back.

That promise came true after a lot of hard work and determination and here I am now. My gratitude is beyond measure because every single morning I wake up I am SO thankful for the life I have because I remember the frustration of feeling stuck and in pain for far too long.

My passion is helping you, our community, be able to make your dreams a reality too. As cheesy as that sounds I know that if I can make it happen so you can you and that’s why I am here. If you have questions about working in the online space, starting your own business, what van life is really like, or anything about plant-based eats and health, drop me a comment below. I’d love to hear from you.


We have BIG plans for this blog, our youtube channel, and more, and YOU are a big part of this vision. We believe that coming together as a community and supporting one another is one of the best things we can do with our time and resources.

With that said, please leave us a comment if you have questions and let us know how your van build or journey is going!

And be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter so you don’t miss out on extra resources we won’t be sharing anywhere else and to get the inside scoop on our travel suggestions and more! You can sign up here.

Sending good vibes and love from somewhere in the mountains,

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